Lesley Fightmasters 30 Days of Yoga Challenge – The first week

The hardest thing about getting back in shape after having a baby is actually getting started. After weeks (or in my case months) of doing barely anything, even a short workout feels strange.

As days go by, you tell yourself you´ll start tomorrow. There is backpain from wrong posture, tightness in neck and shoulders from carrying the baby and a growing discomfort in your own body that makes you realize you should really, really get started.


But somehow tomorrow never comes.

When Inma from Sunshine and Glow, a fellow blogger and long time yoga lover shared her favorite Yoga videos to do at home, I knew that it was now or never.


Day one
Day one


I would do Lesley Fightmasters 30 Days of Yoga Beginners Challenge to get back into the swing of things. And to keep me on track, Inma agreed to be my accountability partner and do the challenge along with me.

So starting today (not tomorrow!) we will give you a weekly recap of our thoughts and feelings, through the eyes of an absolute beginner (me) and an experienced yoga lover (Inma).


Day one


Great thing I am at my parents, so while my daughter is sleeping and my mother watches my son, I get to sneak in 15 minutes of Yoga. I feel rushed and anxious at first: Will I get it done before she wakes up? Will I be a total failure? No need to worry, the first session focuses on breathing and some stretching, all calm and easy. But oh boy, am I tight in my hamstrings, neck and shoulders!


Uh oh! Anne has started today and I am in London for work meetings, so won’t be back till late and really tired. I consider cheating and saying I have practiced but not doing it, then I realize today’s video is 15 mins and I tell myself that I can’t cheat. I said I was doing this. Today’s video feels really easy and just like chill time, really, but that is just about everything I could have managed. I like that Lesley explains the different types of breath and although I am familiar with them I quite enjoy the process of discovering them again. So glad I did it in the end!


Day two


My sister is joining in today, another yoga noob. So there are a lot of giggles, adding to the relaxing feeling. Again, mostly breathing and stretching, very welcome. I am no longer anxious, I feel like this challenge will allow me to really get the basics right before it gets more complicated. Still awfully tight though. Sadly that didn’t improve with one session…


Another long day of travelling for work today (spent 8 hours driving, plus meetings) so the last thing I feel like doing is rolling out my mat. I am considering skipping today and doing two videos tomorrow, but in the end I do it and feel so much better afterwards! Today is another easy day with lots of cat cow and downward dog.


Day three
Day three

Day three


Rushing to do the yoga session while both kids are napping. Not going to lie, I would rather have napped myself, after a long night with little sleep. But after I am done, I feel relaxed. Even though there was a little more challenge for my upper body today.


Really sad that I couldn’t do this on Friday. I’d spent another day travelling for work and when I got home I was totally exhausted. I knew that I’d feel better if I practiced yoga but even that thought couldn’t stop me from going to bed really early.


Day four


How much can you do wrong when you are just standing there? Obviously a lot. After following Lesleys instructions I realize how bad my posture actually is these days. I have to pay more attention to it throughout the day!


Today I’ve done days 3 & 4 one after the other and feel so much better for being on track. This really is a series for beginners and Lesley is explaining everything about the poses that are the foundation. Today we start building up to sun salutations and it feels so good to be moving.


Day five


The struggle begins: Back home with the children, the husband at work, no nap time… My daughter keeps climbing all over me.  I guess the relaxing part isn’t as prominent today, but it is great for balance!


My friend Barbara has arrived and is staying with me for a couple of weeks so this is testing my self discipline, plus I have to practice in my bedroom. First plank of the series and although I never thought I’d say this it is fun! We also do a couple of standing poses so things are building up.


Day six
Day six


Day six


I start to look forward to the short break, be it with children interrupting or not. And it gets tougher by the day. I start to struggle to keep breathing and poses in line and have to really focus. But it feels good to be challenged again.


I feel like I have worked my muscles more today with the standing poses, sun salutations and a few planks. The 19 minutes go so fast though! I love the quotes that Lesley reads during Savasanah. Today we set an intention at the beginning and I choose to send some positive energy to a friend who’s having a hard time. I don’t know if it works, but the intention is there.


Day seven


Temptation is big to skip today, as there hasn’t been any time throughout the day and all I want to do now that the kids are sleeping is collapse on the couch and maybe watch some TV. But I don’t want to fail within the first seven days, so on the mat it is. And it feels good. Thank you, Inma, for being my inspiration!


We’ve been doing this a week! Yay!!! This week has been a very stressful one for me in many ways and every day I have struggled with motivation to roll my mat, but it has helped me so much. Knowing that Anne had already done it kept me on track, so thank you because I couldn’t have done it without you!


All pictures are from my snapchat. If you want to follow along, add me @lindalibraloca


Do you do Yoga?

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